Switch on the Idiot Box or scan through the Analyst reports, you can find ‘n’ number of cliches that are theoretically meaningless but made to seem like the verse of God himself. While this article was prodded by hearing some one say that markets having gone up too much, its better to be Cautiously Bullish (whatever that is supposed to mean), there are quite a few articles on the web that have explored the same. So, without much further ado
How to be a stock market expert, or sound like one
14 Meaningless Phrases That Will Make You Sound Like A Stock-Market Wizard
As a Analyst who is asked to perform a certain duty to make it seem that he is working for the benefit of the client, he has to be able to explain every other move. This has resulted in one seeing reports that stretch for pages together with the Analyst finally coming to a conclusion that after doing all that work, I am not sure what the hell is happening and hence stay “Neutral” on the same (Not Rated is another word used to more or less describe the same thing).