Many moons ago when my Sister was born, a relative of ours recommended a financial scheme where we invested X and when she reached 18, we would get back 1,00,000.00. In those days, 1,00,000 was a very huge sum. In fact, the cost of building a simple house more or less was equivalent to that amount. That sum was assumed to be good enough for Marraige and more. But when she reached 18, forget getting married, her Engineering Fees was nearly 50% of that for every year.
Most investors invest with the best of intentions and hope that things work out as planned and enable us to meet our Goals. But do we really have a clue as to how the future unfolds and how best to prepare for them?
Equities are claimed to be the asset of choice if you need to beat Inflation and evidence does show that there is merit to that argument. But the evidence is nothing more than a look at the rear view mirror. While the logic behind is indeed sound, the fact remains that end of the day, there is no such thing as a Guarantee in the world of finance.
On Twitter (where I am active), I get into frequent debates with distributors of Mutual funds on whether Direct is the way forward or should one go through a Distributor. Both have their Pro’s and Con’s, but the unfortunate thing is that you are no wiser as to what is the right choice until its been too late to change.
While no one can guarantee about the outcome of investing today, a qualified financial planner can help you make the necessary changes as time goes by. A mutual fund distributor is not a financial planner in any sense. He is no more than a salesmen hoping to make a sale while in turn will provide him a Income.
While he will to ensure continuity try his best, the fact remains that he can only do as much as his knowledge enables him to. Any and every action of his has to be backed by evidence which in turn has to pass through the biases we frequently face – Survivor / Selection among others.
In the aftermath of the housing crisis in US, there were hundreds of stories about investors who lost everything and were forced back to working at a age when they should have led a comfortable retired life. While its easy to blame them for their greed and lack of understanding, its a story that is repeated across countries and across generations.
Fixed Deposits / Gold / Mutual Funds / Real Estate all have their place and time. While the proponents of Equity will have you believe that FD is the worst form of investing, if you had invested in a FD 5 years back and you were in the Zero Tax bracket, you would have made more money than investing in Nifty Bees. And all that without having to bear the pain of negative volatility.
End of the day, its your money and your future that is on the line. In times of need, its you and you alone who has to face the responsibility, blame game can only go so far.